I teach law, business, and negotiation classes, work with consulting firms to facilitate
better negotiations, and write about the spread of conspiracy theories and fringe ideas.

I assist my clients with negotiation, communication, and strategy in complex and difficult situations. I've helped improve commercial negotiations, advised diplomats in international multilateral talks, and built better relationships between aboriginal peoples and government.
My clients include two of the Fortune 500 Top 10, large and small non-profits, U.S. and foreign government institutions, the U.S. military, and leaders in sectors such as finance, construction, consumer electronics, insurance, labor relations, and fine arts.
I graduated from Harvard Law School and practiced commercial litigation with Steptoe & Johnson. As a lawyer I secured multimillion-dollar wins for our clients. I left my legal practice to work as a consultant, where I apply that experience to analyze my clients' needs and interests with a critical eye.
My writing focuses on irrationality, exploring how intelligent and reasonable people become believers in conspiracy theories and other fringe ideas. I apply the lessons of negotiation to promote positive strategies for engaging irrational beliefs.
I am a professor at the University of Kansas, teaching business law, business fundamentals, and a new course on the origin and spread of conspiracy theories. I also teach negotiation to MBA students at the University of Missouri--Kansas City.
When I'm not teaching or writing, I live in Kansas where my wife is a professor of bioanthropology and bestselling author. Our son Ox is very strong, and our dog Alu is very pretty. All the photography on this site is mine, and worth what you paid for it.

I am an executive consultant for the Prism/SAB Group, a global leader in negotiation training. We have trained over 100 of the Global Fortune 500 in negotiation skills, and consulted on over US $150 billion worth of transactions.

My first book explains how irrational ideas capture rational, intelligent people, drawing on cognitive psychology and behavioral economics. More importantly it explains how the mainstream can constructively engage with those irrational ideas.